latest news

End of Year Assembly
On the day of the summer holidays we all gathered in the halla for our end of year assembly. Certificates for swimming were handed out to boys and girls from 2nd to 6th class. The 6th class received their pledge certificates and there were also medals presented to the children who did not miss a day during the school year! We also said goodbye to our sixth class; Leah, Lisa, Darragh, Micheál, Olga and Rachel. We all wish them well for the future!! View Photos

School Tour to Active Kingdom
We had a wonderful day out in John Mitchels GAA complex in Tralee for our school tour on Tuesday. The whole school went for the day and took part in a wide range of activities including: super slide, team-building, treasure hunt, obstacle course, wrecking ball, human foosball, gladiator and bungee run. We all had great fun and were very tired when we got home!

School Sports Day 2016
We had a fantastic day last week at our school sports day. We took part in activities all day long, it was really fun! There was egg and spoon races, sack races, three-legged races, wheelbarrow races, orienteering, water relay, tug of war, musical chairs, penalty shoot out, pelmanism, parachute and we finished the day with sportstar superstar. Lots of photos were taken throughout the dayso be sure to check out all the action! Thanks to everyone who helped make this such an exciting day!View Photos

Teddy Bear's Picnic
Junior and Senior Infants had a Teddy Bear's Picnic on the grass outside the school. It was a lovely day and all of the bears got a great treat! Thanks to Ms. Dowling and the boys and girls from 5th and 6th who helped out. View Photos

An Post Rás
We were very excited to have the An Post Rás pass right through Scartaglen recently. We walked up to the Church car park to watch all the cyclists whizz by. View Photos

Junior Entrepreneur Showcase Day in The Malton Hotel, Killarney
5th and 6th Class took part in the Junior Entrepreneur Programme where they had to set up and run their own business. They designed, produced and sold bookmarks. They made €520 profit from their business. They spent the money on Splatball in Tralee and also donated money to the Irish Cancer Society and Crumlin Children's Hospital. We were delighted to receive a plaque and JEP flag as part of the project. Thank you to everyone who supported their business and bought a bookmark!View Photos

Splatball in Tralee
5th and 6th class decided to spend most of their profit from their Junior Entrepreneur Project on Splatball in Tralee. Splatball is a junior version of paintball. They spent over two hours out in the sunshine shooting each other with paint balls!! It was fantastic fun.View Photos

First Holy Communion
Congratulations to Micheal, Dylan, Seán, Millie, Jason, Eimear, Gary and Maggie in Second Class on receiving their First Holy Communion on Saturday 7th May. It was a lovely ceremony and there was a great celebration in the school afterwards! Many thanks to everyone who helped out on this special day. A special thanks to their teacher Mrs. O' Sullivan for all her hard work preparing the boys and girls. View Photos

School Garden
We are delighted to have a new and improved school garden! Ms. Dowling has been hard at work over the last number of weeks digging, pulling, planting and watering. The result is a beautiful new school garden!! Thanks to all the boys and girls who helped out with all the hard work.View Photos

Scratch Computer Programming
Well done to all the boys and girls in 5th and 6th class who recently received certificates for using Scratch Computer Programming. The class have been working on their projects for a number of weeks and really enjoyed learning how to use the program! Thanks to Ms. O' Sullivan for helping us learn all about Scratch!View Photos

Super Sevens Basketball Winners 2016
Scartaglen Girls Basketball team are having a fantastic year. They participated in the Super Sevens Basketball Tournament in Killarney that took place over a number of week nights. They played teams from around the county and ended up winning the competition, beating Gneeveguilla in the final. A huge thank you to Anna Kerin and Timmy Collins for coaching the team and to Ms. O’Connor for her coaching during school. Click below or on the picture to see a larger version.View Photo

GAA Skills Competition in Castleisland
Well done to Kevin O' Donoghue (5th Class), Darragh Buckley and Micheál O' Mahony (6th Class) who represented the school in GAA skills competition in Castleisland recently.

6th Class Confirmation
Congratulations to Darragh, Leah, Lisa, Micheál, Olga and Rachel on being confirmed in Castleisland on Tuesday 19th April. They have been very busy preparing over the last number of weeks and months. It was a lovely ceremony and we were blessed with beautiful weather outside the church afterwards. Thanks to Mr. Moroney and all of the parents who helped out with transport for the practices. Thanks also to Diarmuid, Micheál and Pat from 5th class for altar serving for the confirmation mass. .View Photo

Kerry County Finals in Fitzgerald Stadium
Congratulations to the girl's football team who qualified for the county finals which were held in Fitzgerald stadium. The girls played Lixnaw, Knockaderry and Waterville in three exciting games. Well done to the team and a big thank you to Ms. O’ Connor for all her coaching. Thanks also to Sheila and all of the parents who provided transport and supported the girls on the day!

Huge success at An Ríocht Athletics
Congratulations to all the boys and girls who participated in the athletics competition at An Ríocht. Scartaglen N.S. had a fantastic day bringing home 24 medals!! They took part in many events from 100m sprints to 600m long distance runs. We also had winners in the long jump and relay events. Well done to all the athletes from 1st to 6th class. Thanks to Ms. O’ Connor and Ms. O’ Sullivan for all their coaching and encouragement. View Photos

Mini-Sevens Blitz in Castleisland
Scartaglen N.S. took part in the Mini-Sevens football competition in Castleisland recently. A boys and and a girls team took part and both teams played really well. The boys team were unlucky to be knocked out in the group stage. The girls team topped their group winning four out of four matches. They then went on to beat Kilmurry in the final to win the competition. They will now progress to the county finals. Click below to see photos of both teams along with photos of the girl's final.View Photos

St. Patrick's Day Parade
Scartaglen N.S. marched in the St. Patrick's Day parade in Castleisland. We were delighted to be leading the parade behind the Cullen pipe band. Thanks to everyone who took part on the day.View Photos

St. Anne's Blitz
Scartaglen Basketball team were successful in the St. Anne’s Blitz with both the Junior and Senior girls teams winning their competitions. Thank you to Anna Kerin and Timmy Collins for coaching the team and to Ms. O’Connor for her coaching during school. Click below or on the picture to see a larger version.View Photo

Easter Treats in Scartaglen NS
To celebrate the Easter Holidays the Parents Council organised an Easter Egg treasure hunt around the school. There was wonderful excitement as the children explored the school grounds looking for hidden treasure! Each child in the school received an Easter Egg, thank you once again to the Parents Council for organising this lovely event. We also had a special visit from some Easter bunnies, this was a lovely surprise and the children loved petting the rabbits.View Photos

Proclamation Day
There was great excitement on the 15th March as we celebrated Proclamation Day in Scartaglen N.S. We raised the Irish Tricolour accompanied by Amhrán na bhFiann played on the accordion by Kalum Buckley. The 1916 Proclamation was read out by Daniel O’ Sullivan, Séan Butler, Orlaith Buckley, Mollie Mahony, Olga O’ Sullivan, Denis Horan and Emma Kerin. A new Proclamation for 2016 was read by Leah Boyle and Abbie Mahony. Muireann Walsh read about her relative who brought the documentation to Kilmainham Gaol that proved Eamon De Valera was an American citizen. Muireann Rahilly brought in medals belonging to her great grandfather Johnny Rahilly who fought in the war of Independence. Christine Begley read out some information about her father who was in the army. Shauna and Katelyn O’ Keeffe told us about their great grand uncle who was in the Old IRA brigade. We then placed items in a time capsule, every child in the school had an opportunity to write something about themselves to place in the time capsule. We hope to dig it up in 25 years time! The ceremony finished with a lovely rendition of Amhrán na bhFiann. View Photos

Junior Entrepreneur Showcase Day
5th and 6th Class recently hosted a showcase day to display all of the work they carried out as part of their Junior Entrepreneur Programme. Each of the teams had their own table to display their work - the finance team, the marketing team, the sales team, the public relations team and the design and production team. The business they started was a great success and they made over €500 profit!!View Photos

First Confession
Our 2nd Class celebrated their first confession this week. Well done to all the boys and girls. Thanks to Fr. Buckley and Fr. Horgan and a special word of thanks to their teacher Mrs. O' Sullivan for all her work organising the event. Please click below to view a larger version of the photograph...View Photo

Election in Scartaglen N.S.
The boys and girls in 5th/6th class held their very own election recently. There were four parties: Green Party, Blue Party, Red Party and Yellow Party. They had to create their very own manifestos based on improving the school. They then had to campaign and canvass around the school for votes. They designed campaign posters and leaflets and displayed them around the school. Every child in the school then got an opportunity to cast their vote for their 1st and 2nd favourite party! The Yellow party were the winning party in a very close result!
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MS Readathon Winners!
Scartaglen N.S. were delighted to feature on RTÉ’s News2day program recently where they announced the winners of the MS Readathon prize draw. We were very lucky because the school won one of the overall prizes, a storytelling workshop with Irish author Sarah Webb! But that wasn’t the end of the prizes as Millie in Senior Infants won her very own iPad!! The school raised €1261 for this great cause. Thanks again to everyone who took part!

Credit Union Quiz 2016
Well done to our two quiz teams that represented the school at the Credit Union quiz in the Brandon Hotel recently. There was one team from 3rd/4th Class and one team from 5th/6th Class. Please click below to view larger photographs of both teams...

Pancake Tuesday in Scartaglen N.S.
We had a wonderful treat on Pancake Tuesday as every child in the school had some delicious warm pancakes with a huge selection of toppings including nutella, maple syrup, ice-cream, lemon juice, sugar and lots of fresh fruit! It was a brilliant day and there was €205 raised for the Ronald McDonald House Charity. A massive thank you to all the parents who helped organise this great event and worked really hard all day making these tasty treats!
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Hip-Hop Dancing in Scartaglen N.S.
All of the boys and girls from Junior Infants up to First Class have started Hip-Hop dance lessons every Thursday for six weeks. They are having great fun and also getting a lot of exercise as well! Thanks to the Parents Council for funding this activity!

Christmas Basketball Blitz
Well done to all the boys and girls who took part in the Christmas Basketball Blitz in Castleisland. Scartaglen N.S. were well represented with four teams taking part: Junior and Senior Girls and Junior and Senior Boys. There was great excitement as the teams played matches over five days. Both the Junior and Senior Girls teams reached the finals. The Junior Girls beat Currow N.S. in the final 19-11 and the Senior Girls were very unlucky to lose 18-17 to Kilmurry after extra time! Ciara Casey was named MVP for the Junior Girls and Abbie Mahony was named MVP for the Senior Girls. Congratulations to all of the teams on doing their very best for our school. A special word of thanks to Mossie, Ella, Ciara and Ms. O'Connor for all their hard work coaching the teams.

Christmas Jumpers and Hats!!
All of the boys and girls had great fun wearing their Christmas jumpers and hats to school on the day of the Christmas holidays. Everybody was in the festive spirit and looking forward to Santa Claus coming!

Making Christmas Decorations with 3rd/4th
The boys and girls in 3rd and 4th class were very busy coming up to the Christmas holidays, they were making their very own Christmas decorations! They used clay to make the decorations and then painted them when they had dried.
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Surprise Visit from Santa's Elves!
There was fantastic excitement this week when Santa’s elves paid a surprise visit to Scartaglen N.S. A bell was heard ringing in the corridor. When the children in Junior and Senior Infants looked outside the door they found magic dust on the floor and a special delivery from Mrs. Claus. There was a letter from Santa along with some homemade gingerbread men and candy canes. When the children checked their postbox all of their letters to Santa were gone!!
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Tommy Markham Cup
We were delighted to have the Tommy Markham cup in Scartaglen N.S. recently. Kerry minor player Darren Brosnan was accompanied by James O’Donoghue and Mike Murphy. Thanks to evryone who helped organise this great occasion!
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Making Hovercrafts with 3rd and 4th Class
3rd and 4th Class learned about hovercrafts. We watched a clip showing us how hovercrafts work. We then designed our own mini hovercraft using a baloon, a CD, a lid with a valve and sellotape. We each took turns experimenting with our design. We even put it in water!!

Making Healthy Snacks in 5th and 6th Class
The boys and girls in 5th and 6th class made their own healthy snacks recently. They used oats, almonds, peanut butter and honey to make energy bars! The bars were put in the fridge over night and were ready to eat the next day!!
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Visit from the Gardaí
We had a visit from the Gardaí last week, thankfully they were not coming to arrest anybody!! They came to our school to talk about road safety, bullying and being safe both around the house and while out shopping over Christmas.

Visit from Local Business Person
As part of their Junior Entrepreneur Programme, 5th and 6th class had a visit from local business person Pat O'Sullivan recently. Pat is a past pupil of the school and has set up two businesses of his own. The class asked him lots of questions about setting up a business and entrepreneurship. He gave them some very good advice about the importance of market research and using social media to promote their business! View Photos

Scholastic Book Fair
The Scholastic Book Fair took place in Scartaglen N.S. recently. The Book Fair was open for two days and every class had an opportunity to buy all the latest and greatest books! There was over €1000 worth of books bought over the two days. The great news is that this fantastic response means that Scholastic will give the school €500 worth of books to add to our own collection!! This means our school library will be getting a host of new books to read!!

3rd and 4th Class Smoothies
The boys and girls in 3rd and 4th class learned all about healthy eating recently and even got the chance to put what they learned into practice by making their very own smoothies!! They used a selection of healthy fruit to make delicious smoothies!!

Building Paper Towers
5th and 6th class were set a tricky challenge recently. They had to build the tallest tower they could with just 10 A4 sheets and 10 paper clips! There was some great designs as the different towers took shape. The tallest tower was 112cm!!

Planting in 3rd/4th Class
The boys and girls in 3rd/4th class were planting seeds recently. They will be busy over the winter months making sure they have plenty of sunlight and water. Hopefully by Spring they will have some lovely plants!!

Christmas Shoebox Appeal 2015
Scartaglen N.S. took part in the Christmas Shoebox Appeal organised by Team Hope. We were delighted with the huge response and generosity. 80 Christmas shoeboxes were packed with a wonderful variety of goodies that will be sent to children from very poor countries around the world. There was great excitement when Kristiana from Team Hope came to collect all 80 boxes recently. A big thank you to all who supported this very worthy cause! View Photos

Road Safety Visit
Eileen from the Road Safety Authority came to visit our school recently! She spoke to each class about road safety, we learned all about how to be safe in the car, on the bus, on our bikes and even when we are walking on the road. All of the boys and girls in Junior Infants received their very own high-vis vests to keep them safe!

Road Safety Posters
Following the visit of the Road Safety Authority the boys and girls in 1st and 2nd class designed their very own road safety posters! Click here to view the full size picture.

Halloween in Scartaglen N.S.
We had some great fun for Halloween, dressing up, bobbing for apples and putting our hands in the mystery box!! We are looking forward to going Trick or Treating.

Irish Flag and Proclamation Ceremony
We were delighted to welcome Sergeant McGarry and Gunner Lynch to our school recently. They came from Collins Barracks in Cork to present the school with the 1916 Proclamation and an Irish Flag. Sergeant McGarry read the proclamation along with 5th/6th class pupils Shauna, Diarmuid, Darragh and Micheál. Senior Infant pupils Jack and Éabha accepted the flag on behalf of the school. 4th class pupil Muireann brought in service medals belonging to her great grandad, Johnny Rahilly. There was also some
lovely music played on the accordion by Kalum and Pat from 5th class.
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Con Houlihan Writing Competition
Congratulations to Kalum in 5th Class on winning a prize for the Con Houlihan writing competition. Kalum wrote a story about his trip to the Kerry v Tyrone match in Croke Park. Well done Kalum!!

Scartaglen N.S. Football Blitz
Well done to all the boys and girls on the School Football team who played in a football blitz in Farranfore on 2nd October. The team played very well and they all enjoyed the day. Thanks to Ms. O’Connor for training the team!

Planting Daffodils
The pupils in infants planted daffodil bulbs recently. They will be very excited to see if they will grow in the Spring time. Thanks to Ms. Dowling for all her help planting!